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The Centre for Culture Research has a threefold mission:
- The Centre for Culture Research conducts research that aligns with the knowledge needs of cultural policy, focusing on three research lines:
- Cultural participation in Flanders, including further analysis of the participation survey conducted between 2020 and 2022 and the evaluation of the participation survey in preparation for the next survey in 2028 or 2029.
- Cultural activities and their reach, where the Centre for Culture Research continues the audience research initiated in 2018 for museums, now complemented with more experimental research. Additionally, the Centre for Culture Research expands its audience research into the performing arts (theatre, dance, music, and circus).
- The value of culture, which explores the intrinsic value of culture and its economic, social, cultural, and psychological impact.
- The Centre for Culture Research collaborates with the Research Platform for Culture (Onderzoeksplatform Cultuur) to inform and coordinate the development, collection, and dissemination of research relevant to the cultural policy of the Flemish Government. The Centre also organizes events for in-depth reflection on research, research needs, and research methods, while overseeing the implementation of the Agenda for Policy-Relevant Cultural Research. Additionally, it develops a research portal for policy-relevant cultural research (see Knowledge Bank).
- The Centre for Culture Research is available for formulating policy advice based on its accumulated expertise. It can respond to specific and focused policy-relevant research questions. It concerns advisory questions for which the answer falls within the expertise and knowledge of the Centre for Culture Research.